Wednesday 4 May 2011

Broken Neck? I ask yer...

Well, after handing over design responsibilities to my art director (he is the grand old age of 8 going on Picasso), we, err, he has decided that The Crowley One would look better completely covered in our molten iron leaf, and he is probably right.

Action a bit high? Wonder why that is...?

So that is what we have started to do, and stunning it looks already - I'll put some fotos up later on.

In addition to this, we are going to complete the effect with a cracked lacquer finish, which is a first and one I've been wanting to try for ages but never gotten around to.

OK, he has got more bottle than I have, and doesn't accept excuses.
I have no cojones, it is true.

All in all, it is proving to be quite a stunning guitar - whether I will be able to get the thing out of his grasp once it is finished, who can say, but then I probably shouldn't try should I?

Today though has seen a bit of a trip to pickup an old Epiphone Dot which is in need of a little bit of Jooky love or at least some love full-stop.

It is a Korean one, and lovely neck-wise. I had one of these years ago and it was a grand guitar, and I'm really keen to see how this one goes. That one was in perfect BB King 'nick', whereas this one has a broken neck.

Now, a broken neck on a guitar, I must admit, I would understand if it sounded a bit on the 'terminal' side of things, and generally I would have to agree with you, if that is indeed what you are thinking and maybe even if you aren't.

And it is very true - fixing a guitar with a broken neck - and quite spectacularly, very much broken it is too - this is not something I've ever tackled before, but I fancied having a go to see how hard it is to do. So there we are.

Ah, that would be doing it...
And in my defence, I've had some good advice already, involving glue and clamps and lets face it - how wrong can it in fact go?

Well, looking at it in 3D, I must admit I'm not sure that I know the answer to that one and am a little worried that I might well be finding out.

Maybe the guy that fixes them down in Bristol might be a better bet after all.

Or should I get my son to do it, he wouldn't (search desperately for a) waiver in the face of such things.
And sellotape is a seldom used guitar finish after all, it may well catch on.

Anyway, whatever happens I'll show you how it goes as I go along, and there we are.

Lovely looking guitar though, your Epi 'Dot'.

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