Saturday 14 May 2011

Hit Me Baby

OK, I know I've got all sorts of things on the go at the moment, but one that is nagging around the edges is The Backporch Voodoo One... If you vaguely remember, this is going to have a unique Wizard Novatron pickup - which is basically a low powered humbucker that is voiced to sound like a resonator - which is a neat trick, lets face it.

I haven't 'done' a single pickup Strat for a while, but I think this is the kiddy, so there we are.

Anywaysup, I have the Strat body and neck, and in terms of the finish I've been playing around with iron paint and basically trying my best to rust it. That part isn't too difficult, unlike finding a way to make sure that it stays looking cool and basically doesn't end-up spread across your Iron Maiden T Shirt when you are playing it.

But, I've got a couple of things to try that I'm hoping will do the job so hopingly I've nearly cracked that one now, so with a bit of luck it should be on the cards in the near future.

What I haven't done yet, of course is get the pickup, but I think the time is about right so I'm planning on ordering it next week (as lets face it, the chance of me finding one second-hand are slightly remote.)

In terms of the look though, I want to take it a bit further than I talked about before. So even more Jooky than normal.

What I'm thinking is that it would be cool to maybe use beer or whiskey bottle tops for the knobs, maybe cut a scratchplate out of something like a road sign or car number plate or, well, whatever.

I'm thinking trailer trash chic, so maybe it should be The Britney One instead. Hmmm...

Is that cruel?
I don't know.

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