Wednesday 18 May 2011

Part-Exing In The UK

Still a plonked artistic impresh, but later today...
Well, times are hard for everyone at the moment, and I know I've mentioned it before, but generally I'm quite happy to take a part-ex on any of the Jooky guitars - especially if it is for something interesting.

Anyway, as I said, I've mentioned such things before and have long promised a list of things I'd be interested in - which has been added as a page on the menu bar thingie at the top, with dramatic insight, called 'Part exs'. There is a clue there.

Just thought I'd point it out.

As for today, well, I thnk it is about time I sorted my little blue beauty out, The Blue Moon One. It is shifting daggers in my direction right now, the minx.

Hopefully fotos to follow of it all cheery and light later on. Or maybe tomorrow, we'll see.

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