Tuesday 31 May 2011

Bank Holiday, Gone, Gone and Gone

Well, my collection of shiny new switches arrived on Saturday, and after mucho bit-champing, I finally got to try to place them lovingly under the appropriate scratchplates on Sunday evening.

Typically, it wasn't as easy as I had hoped, as all three of the ones I'd got for The Crowley One didn't quite fit in the gap, which is most annoying (obviously the one I had in first had fitted, but it was an odd old switch that I can't seem to replace like-for-like.)

Anyway, the upshot is that I need to do a bit of wood removal and wire lengthening, and that will need to be later today as tools are in the garage-without-any-light. And it is dark out as I type this. Because it is 4am.

As for the Blue Moon One, at least I'm ready to go on that, but after messing about with the Explorer for so long, I had lost my motivation, dah-link.

Then my daughter chucked up over me for good measure.


Well, more 'blleeeuuurrggghhhh' as it happens.

Other than that, in addition to the Charvette I obtained on Friday, I also seem to have two SGs on their way from the same chap. Oh, and a Hondo spikey super-strat sort of thing with a blue crackled finish.

Not quite sure what I will do with all of them - four new projects (gulp) - but I'm sure I'll think of something. Oh, there is another Tele custom on it's way too, I'd forgotten that one. That should arrive today.

I daren't count how many bodies and necks that will make I will have  in 'stock', though off the top-of-me-head I can think of enough body & neck combos to make...
3 SGs,
3 Telecasters,
2 Les Pauls,
2 Strats,
the Epi Dot and
the Shergold..

Oh and two spiky things, and

the Nuno-esque one that is still at the guitar repair shop.

And two short scale guitars I gave my brats that were meant to be covered in Pokemon or Fireman Sam or something, but haven't quite been Jookyfied six months later.

Oh, and another two Strats behind the piano I'd forgotten about, so that is four Strats in total.

So quite a few, I guess. Getting on for twenty-lots in fact. Bugger.

I'd better get me finger out...

It might seem odd to gather parts in such numbers, but some of them will get moved on as I tend to gather-a-plenty and then realise a few months down the road that I've cherry picked and none of the others are 'quite right for what I happen to want to build. Probably daft, but it is nice to be able to have a muddle around and see what fits with what else.

So anyway, sorting The Crowley and Blue Moon Ones are top of the pile now, and then we'll just have to see what happens next. Why are things never simple?

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