Thursday 26 May 2011

Switching Frustration

Well, yesterday was another day gone out of my dwindling supply on kidless moments, and it was a little frustrating to be honest.

Firstly, The Crowley One seems to have a dodgy switch. Now I've triple and quadrouply checked my soldering and for once my shaky mitts aren't to blame, and after working out how to use a multimeter for such things, it seems that the switch is itself knackered.

Really annoying.

So I've ordered a replacement and I'm now waiting for new switches for both it and The Blue Moon One.

Thumbs-are-a-twiddling as I type (which may excuse the spelling).

Other than that I have started to gold leaf The Old Burny One. This is the '80s Burny Les Paul I've been talking about for aeons but never quite gotten around to sorting out. It is lovely though, and I'm doing something. Which makes me feel better about the world.

I'm going the craqueleur route for the top to give it a crazy paved look, and then nitro lacquering it so that it will age further as time goes by.

It's what I did on the Crowley One and that looks crazy (a tee and a hee).

Other than that, I've had a rethink on the Old Burny in terms of pickups. I'm going to go with a P90 plus a PAF, as they are my two faves and it will give the most tones I can squeeze out of it. Well, the most I like anyway.

Here's a couple of fotos of the nearly done Crowley One, and a couple of the Lulu One, because I just lurrvvee her, so.

I got those, waiting-for-the-postie blues...

Here's Lulu ...

1 comment:

Dickinstein said...

Absolutely love the Crowley One . Fantastic job your doing Mr Jooky !