Thursday 16 December 2010

Of Chickens, J-Birds and Daisy Jook

Well, what can I say. Hospitals, sick children, schools calling in the environmental health, blue badges and I am sooo not ready for Xmas. It has been a right shonky week, all in all.

On the plus side of things, somehow among the chaos I have managed to get the body and neck 90% there for the J-Bird one. I'll take some fotos later after a bit more 'finessing', assuming I'm not clearing up any more puddles of puke.

It is (literally) taking shape now, and I have all the finishing bobbins to hand, so hopefully it will start to look like a guitar soon. Which is always cool.

Other than that though, bugger all has happened in Jookydom, although a friend of mine - best known for wearing a chicken costume in the privacy of somebody else's home - is joining in with the Jooky spirit and making his own version of a jookified guitar. This is super cool, I always wanted followers, though not on Facebook, clearly. Can't wait to see what he comes up with. Maybe he'll let me put a foto up, assuming it is ever finished...

My money is on yellow feathers.

Whilst sorting Andy's J-Bird (and I have to admit it was the trial run with the router), I have also carved chunks out of what will be my pink paisley Jag/Jazzmaster-a-like. I mentioned it before, I think and can't remember it's given name right now, but I think that will be lovely when it is done. I've got a couple of PRS soapbars which will go in there - or maybe one of them will, I'll have to see. Yes, one. I just remembered I ordered a scratchplate with only one hole. See, there is a plan.

Other than that, I picked up a lovely little semi-acoustic guitar a few weeks back, that I'm planning on countrificating. not sure when, but that will be fun. It's going to be a tribute, I think, maybe The Daisy Jook One, or something like that.

Anyway, brats to mollycoddle...

oh yes, while I'm remembering that I've forgotten stuff - there are also a couple of things that were meant to be posted, that haven't been - sorry boys, they will be on their way tomorrow. Been a bit of a tricky week and all that...

A ho and a hum

1 comment:

Fat Old Man said...

sounds like you've had a bad time. If one of the parcels is mine Hopefully xmas will be better. Could you post to my home address not work as it will be closed from tomorrow? :)