Wednesday 16 October 2013

Progress, Regress, Family Honour

Well, I realise I am regressing in lots of ways, but after having a brainstorm and getting rid of all of my guitars, I have instead gone back to where I started and snapped up an old Epiphone SG.

Not just any Epi, oh no, this is a 1989 bolt-on jobby (what they would call a 310 these days, but back then I think it was item 2. Page 476 in Freemans Catalogue), and it is the spitting image of my first proper guitar, right down to the black plastic pickup covers and bridge that is guaranteed-to-break-your-strings.

It could in fact be my original guitar (the dinks seem familiar) but I'd probably be kidding meself if I let my imagination wander in that direction, so I know it is just of-it's-ilk-and-time, and that is close enough.

Anyway, this (being a theoretical *this*) is the guitar I learned my first chords on, wrote my first songs with and played on stage in my first ever gigs (and broke strings everytime, so I flogged it to buy a Jazzmaster, but that is beside the point.)

And playing it now, I have to say it feels great. The neck is like an old sock, and the finish is a translucent cherry which display a very nice looking piece of wood beneath. Well, 3 pieces of mahogany, but looking good and shiny even 24 years later. Acoustically it sustains beautifully as well.

As I remember it, what really let it down was that the pickups were very shush-quiet, but as I also got rid of my amp, I can't tell you that right now. Hmmm, maybe the amp wasn't so bright.

Wonder where I can get an 80s Peavey Deuce, that was what I gigged with all those years ago, never getting the volume over 2...

La la laaaa

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