Tuesday 8 October 2013

Pondering Something Lumpy Bumpy

Well, while I again have time on my hands I thought I'd ponder what to do with the Mojo take on the Kay Speedbump 'bucker, that washed up on the shores of Jookyland just recently like.

I've decided to stay true to form and go for a single pickup Strat. I know, I am predictable in my psychoses.

It is going to have a lovely swamp ash body which will feature something rustic in the finish dept. a neck and some other bits. It is going to be cool and I can't wait to hear the pickup so I'll probably bump (tee hee) everything else to get it done.

This will be a Jooky Classic, of course, if we are talking new money, so wey and hey, anything goes.

I have some lovely copper nails I've been itching to use so I think they may well make an appearance.

So that will be The 668 One, can't wait...

La la laaa

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