Friday 18 October 2013

Fridays are Fun

Well, a rather lovely ebony boarded and flamed maple sticked neck arrived today which is destined for The Jamais Vu One, but I'm not as excited about that as I may have been as I also received a lovely old 60s Kay 'Tulip' guitar (Teisco by another name) that is a total deelite.

Obviously it is shonky, but the Gold Foil-esque pickup sounds glorious, it all works, stays in tune and isn't battered to hell, and I can't quite believe my luck.

The strings are rusty of course, and I am sure there is a cure for cancer among the moulds and bacteria growing on the frets, but despite that the action is low and playable, the leccy stuff works without too many crackles and generally it is in really, really good condition for what - 40-odd years old.

Anyway, I'll give it a strip down and err, some love (not sure where I'm going with this), and see how it turns out.

Might even have a crack at Jamais too at some point.

Oh, I also finally got one of those teeny Yamaha THR5 amps, which is surprisingly cool. Haven't quite convinced anybody it is a Bose Stereo yet, but time will tell...

La la laaaa

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