Monday 23 September 2013


Well, I got some strings on The Sappho One at last today, and I really, truly and slightly insanely can't stop smiling.

There are still a few tweaks to be made, so I'll do a formal introduction tomorrow, but I couldn't help but share it with the group..

And from the top, it has a delight-filled swamp ash body that has had a proper Lake Placid Blue Nitro finish (with the silver beneath so it shines, shines, shines). This has not been relicified, but has had some lacquer crazing induced which looks stunning and can only get better. Saying that, it will no doubt have a few genuine dinks before the day is over. That's the kinda guy I  am.

From there we have a quite beatified reversed lefty neck - Stainless steel of fret, Goncalo Alves with Pau Ferro fretboard of woody bits. Sperzel tuners at the top are staggered so no need for the stringy trees and a Graphtech TUSC nut for the detail chaps.

Back down the interesting end, I've gone for a Mustang bridge, and the classic Fender tremolo, shiny Gretsch knobs for a bit of bling and a minty cream scratchplate.

As for the pickups (and dear what pickups they are) Marc Ransley of Mojo Pickups fame has outdone himself with a couple of Jazzmaster sized beauties that are uber cool. At the neck we have one of his Gold Foils which is superb, whilst at the bridge we have a Dirty Gerty of a Mosrite style pickup which is brash, harsh and stunningly in your face. The middle position is simply enormous and the sustain on these two just goes on, and on (and on and ...)

But like I  say, I'll do a proper intro tomorrow maybe. or the next day, or week or something.

La la laaaa

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