Wednesday 18 September 2013

Fake Tan and Strappado Body Art

Well, I thought I'd get me finger out, and at least start something this morning, and as you can see a couple of what-will-be-shall-be Strappado Bodies are in the early stages..

What I'm going to do with these is give them a fake tan of a walnut stain, back and sides - for that dark back look, with corroded copper and bronze tops to follow.

I will probably do The Diamond Shiny One along the same lines as it looks soooo verily cool, to mine mince pies, but the kitchen table isn't big enough to do them all at once, what with all the other junk I've piled on there.

While they are drying, I'm planning on soldering the wires and doing the strumability thing with the Old Gordo. I've realised that I've run out of a few nice-to-haves, like knobs and neck plates and things, so The Sappho One will have to wait a day or two until they show their faces.

Such is life.

La la laaaaa

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