Saturday 14 September 2013

A Chap's Bezzie Mate

Well, I just picked up the body I am going to use on The  Diamond Shiny One, and it is lovely..

As you can see, it is a well knotted bit of alder, which should look groovy by the time I've finished with it, and I feel is destined for greatness.

As for the finish, this is going to have a nice walnut/oil/wax finish back and sides, to show off the devastation, with the very first copper/aluminium finish on top. In 8 out of 10 tests, this has ended-up with a shiny blue finish once it has been corroded, so should be a peach. The other two, well, I don't want to talk about for fear of self-incrimination.

What else? Marc at Mojo Pickups has done me a Gold Foil for the neck and I have his prototypical blade thingy for the bridge, so that is definitely in the something-new department.

As for the neck, it will be a stupendously groovy Strat one, I just err, haven't got it yet. Still, such is life.

This coming week I can actually start doing something again, it is going to be soooo much fun.

La la laaaa

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