Thursday 23 June 2011

WIP: The Rusting Nail One

Well, after yesterday's spraying and drying, a fan heater and a bit of solid concentration...The Rusting Nail One is looking decidedly guitar-shaped.

The keen eyed among you will notice a lack of strings and the keaner still, the gap where the nut should be...but I have to say - in 3D it is veritibly beauty-filled.

The Rusty Iron paint has darkened in a big way and looks stunning, it has to be said.

The headstock matches now as well, and I've put some split Klusons on, though these may change, we'll have to see.

For once it is wired-up, which is a miracle - wiring before strings, can you imagine...and the old knock-the-pickups-with-a-screwdriver test shows signs of life - it may even be finished tomorrow, who could ever have imagined that.


Anonymous said...

this looks seriously cool - as does the futuristic one - if I had room (and the money) I'd buy both!!! The Pickup combination on this one looks as if it'll be amazing.

Dickinstein said...

Mark that looks amazing , and the matching headstock is brilliant

The Jooky Guitar Emporium said...

Cheers chaps.. Hopefully it will be ready to play tomorrow - really want to find out what a Novatron sounds like.... (Might be an odd way of finding out mind)