Wednesday 8 June 2011

WIP - The Futuristic One

Step 1- Cover it with Fabric
Well, inspired by the need to do something while I wait for a variety of couriers to bring/take-away multitudes of objet de delight, I side-tracked myself from the 'Must finish the Blue Moon One' mantra I've been chanting for months now, and started something else.

Surprise, surprise.

So here we have a bit of WIP of The Futuristic One, and a lovely bit of purpleness it is too, you'll have to admit? This was going to be called The Starship Trooper One, or maybe it was The Super Trooper One, but then I changed my mind and called it The Futuristic One. I don't really know why. Maybe it would just fit on the headstock easier, like.

Step 2 - Tidy it up a wee bit
I think I said before, but I chunter on so much I can quite easily forget what I have said, but the body will basically be covered with this 'period design' with the period being that '70s crossing into the '80s time that taste forgot.

The guitar top will then be covered with Spacetastic platinum leaf, which in turn will be distressed in a big way so that the purple can be glimpsed thru, as it were. Kind of like all those people's houses, where they covered the lurid '70s wallpaper with bacofoil so that it would look like something believably futuristic like Buck Rogers. Or maybe that was just down my street and didn't travel any further than the Pershore and Alcester Roads

Step 3 - Roughly put the Leaf on
But to the platinum - well, after that is dried out, I might melt it with acid or I may instead just scratchcard it with an old threepenny bit. A silver one, not one of the modern bronze ones, pah. A bit of Queen Victoria as a girl, it has to be done.

Just to make it even more futurama-o-tastic, the larger variety of SG scratchplate will be used, and it has got a nice bit of variegated gold on it already and has been lacquered and even dried. Talk about organisation, and I rarely do.

Step 4 - Cover it with bubbles of acid
Why the golden scratchplate, I hear you ask. Well, I was worried that it might be too taste-filled to represent the '80s if I didn't do something flashy and golden around the edges. Or at least on the top.

Pickups, are the Gibson 'Original' XXX ones I waffled on about before, and I expect it will be the traditional twin volume, twin tone, three-way-switch control scenario, unless the mood takes me elsewhere. Which it might, of course.

Step 5 - Let the leaf eat away to show the colour thru
The neck is something more Stratty and is a lovely bit of maple or maybe mahogany, I can't remember without looking and for some reason has Fender writ large on it at the moment. That will go, of course.

Step 6 - Give it a few admiring glances
So there we are, though I guess I should be going for lasers, LEDs and all that, but probably won't
It might get a bit Andrew Lloyd Webber and I really don't fancy betting my balance on a set of roller-blades.

Step 7 - Wash the acid away and let it dry

So I'll stick with Buck Rogers.
Wilma Dearing, where are you now?

Step 8 - Go and buy some lacquer

(Yes, I know I will finish this and still have the Blue Moon One staring at me with evils, but such is life).

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