Thursday 16 June 2011

Search and Redevelopment

Well, my funky iron paint arrived yesterday morning, so the day was a bit of a scratch 'n' sniff kinda time, of product research and development. Well, I painted a bit of wood with it and am letting it dry before I plaster some of the 'Verdigris accelerant' over it to see whether it goes rusty or not.

It's very technical and pretentious around here, I have to say.

R,J &F - Post Matthew Corbett but before
the fat geezer from Eldorado
OK, I could just leave it in the rain and let nature do it's thing, but then when I come to try it on a guitar I'm not sure that bird shite and cat piss are a direction my muse wants me to follow. Plus I'm not sure it is good for the wood. Certainly not so good for whoever ends-up playing the thing.

Another finish I've been playing with is mixing medias again and using lace corrupted with acrylic and then copper leaf and well, might as well chuck some mayo, tomato sauce and Miracle Grow on while I'm at it. Well, I would if I wasn't being all considered and scientifically structured.

(I found out that to be scientific you need to have a parallel 'control' sample, an approach that let me discover that if I paisleyify one guitar and leave the control original, you can definitely see the difference afterwards, so something must have happened. Scientifically proven, that is..)

Generally though, I do enjoy the mixed-media approach especially when I can mix it up with a little bit of degradation and chaos. It works for guitars too, as well as my personal life.

I should of course be showing a few fotos of my dawdles down la Rue Scienetifique, but whilst being quite a technician these days, I forgot to charge the battery on my camera, and I've never quite worked out what I'm meant to do with the one on my fone.

Tomorrow, further adventures as I move toward building The Rod, Jane and Freddy One. Perhaps.

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