Monday 12 July 2010

Johnny Marr Playing Kylie's Cool Guitars

OK, maybe not.

But somebody asked me the other day, whether I was interested in getting some endorsees.

Now I can't say I'm really sure how that works to be honest, I always imagined that Gibson and Fender would pay people like Slash and Clapton big loads of moolah to play their guitars, and that companies like Vintage would pay people who aren't so well known a lot less money, or maybe just give them a free guitar and promise them their foto would appear in Guitarist magazine.

I might be wrong though.

Both of which are kind of beyond us here in Jookyville, of course. And as there is only ever one of  any guitar, there doesn't seem that much point in endorsing something unique anyway.

Unless of course they endorsed the "Leona's' or 'Kylie's', I don't know.

I did get told that some smaller companies offer discounts or a 'Band Rate' to some guitarists, but again I'm not sure if that is true or not.

It did set me thinking about who I would like to see playing a Jooky guitar, and this is my little list (I ignored anybody who is dead, as it makes the foto opportunities a wee bit tricky).

So the five guitarists I would like to make a Jookified guitar for and see them play it are in no particular order:

1. Bernard Butler: I saw him play with Suede as they released their first single - 'the Drowners' ? - and it was one of the most electric, seedy concerts I've ever been to. His playing is something else, no clichés and entirely musical. The boy is a genius, end of.

2. Johnny Marr: Similar to Butler in his musicality, but obviously slightly more revered. The man is a pukka musician, guitar is just a tool if you see what I mean and even the recent product demos he has done for Fender - he has a signature Jaguar on the cards - were electrifying.

3. Kevin Shields: My Bloody Valentine were just incredible and I blame the cover of Loveless for my offset tendencies. Unlike anybody else, however many copyists the boy spawned. Bit scary though.

4.  Dean Wareham: I saw Galaxie 500 supporting, of all people, The Sundays and was totally hooked by the simplicity and atmos of the music. He moved on to Luna and then, I think as a duo with his wife, but the Galaxie 500 Albums even now are total regulars in jookyland. Another original who doesn't sit in music shops playing minor blues very, very quickly.

5. Julian Cope: I kind of missed Teardrop Explodes apart from Reward and caught on to the Headman in his solo days. I know he plays bass a lot of the time, but I love the old Voxes and Jazzmasters when he played them. A pure original this chap, and his books are genuine literary treasures too.

Of course, there are shedloads more I could have listed, people like Polly Harvey, Terry Bickers, Robert Smith, John Squire, BB King - ha - and Keef himself, but there we are.

I guess I'm showing my vintage too, thinking about it.

So if Johnny, Bernard, Kevin, Dean or Julian are reading, or even BB, Polly, Terry, John or Robert come to that and fancy a Jooky guitar, give me a shout...

Just don't all turn up at once, eh?

And call first, I'd like to tidy up a wee bit, know what I mean?

la la la

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