Saturday 31 July 2010

Car Booting Am We

A guitar that hasn't been sold like a slave
It shouldn't come as a surprise, as one thing I know about guitar players is that they rarely hang on to many of their guitars for long. There is a joy-of-the-hunt aspect, where buying new guitars or related equipment which can be addictive as it gives you a buzz, and if you are getting creative can give you a new direction, as it were.

So when a chap dropped me an email to say he'd bought one of our Jooky guitars second-hand it really shouldn't have came as a shock. It's what happens, I buy or sell them all the time, after all.

But despite all that, it did surprise me. I guess because I take them personal-like, I expect anybody that buys one to regard it as a 'keeper', and not treat it as any-old-guitar, to be bought or sold.

Unrealistic, I know, but no point being up-yer-own-bum if you won't admit it.

But there we are, there is now a market for second-hand Jookies, I'll just have to live with it.

I was a little unsure whether the fact that it was flogged on for more than I originally sold it for was a good thing or not, mind you, but there we go.

Clearly every Jooky artifact is an investment piece


I wonder if I'll get my own ebay category?

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