Saturday 24 July 2010

Cheryl Tweedy Is A Bit Needy

But she never sued me. Honest she didn't.

In fact, I have an admission to make.
It’s about the Cheryl and Amy tone amps.

Nothing nefarious or dastardly, no lawyers’ letters or anything, but there is a reason why I haven't
really gotten around to making any recently, and basically it is because they were becoming a bit (and whisper this), they have *gulp* all the makings of a product.

I mean, they all look different and there are loads of different types of tins and cigar boxes around, but fundamentally, they were all the same under the hood, as it were.

Don't get me wrong, the insides of a guitar are pretty lo-tech as well, and I'm not breaking any records making the Leona's and Kylie's, but there is a bit more scope and less chance I'll get bored.

And if I'm really honest, they are more fun to make.
More of a challenge.
I feel achievement when I plug one in
and it works.

Sad I know, you'd have thought I'd have got such bobbins out of my system years ago
what with me climbing Everest and all.

Don't get me wrong, there will be more amps at some point, but it was all getting a bit easy and so, well, that doesn't appeal.
I like to struggle
and believe me flower
I do.
I really do.

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