Thursday 9 September 2010

Sloth-filled and Lethargy Incarnate

Well, it's been a while and if I'm totally honest hardly anything has occurred in the land of Jook. Not that I see that as a permanent state of being, but it was the end of the school holibobs and then first-days-at-school, and other stuff got in the way.

This domestic blissfulness has given me a chance to think though, and I now have a pretty good idea of where I'm going on a number of fronts, and the biggest bombshell is that I will probably continue to do the odd Leona or Kylie guitar, as basically I like it. What will be different though, is that they will be more of a custom thing, but more about that soon I guess

As far as the pedals go, the 'TG Growler' I have been prototyping - breadboarding, I am very technical - and should be able to build the first one in a couple of weeks time when the youngest bratski is at school full-time and I have time to breathe. The open-wired one sounds good, and I've got a couple of alternatives to play with there too, which are interestingly cool. Not sure if I said before, but this is going to be a two-button-thingie, with a fuzz and a boost able to work together or on their ownsome.

As for Jooky pedals, I've got a good idea where that will go too, so the long winter months should be filled quite nicely.

In the longer term, I've been playing a wee bit with ideas for a Jooky guitar body design, and have surprised myself as it proved to be relatively cool, though maybe I should wait until I've built one before I get too cocky about that. I'm really into the idea of doing a body from scratch and have some nice ideas I think that will be a bit different from the usual Fender and Gibson re-treads. Again though, more on that as it moves...

And there we are. Not a lot new to report, but things should pick-up soon, methinks...

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