Sunday 7 October 2012

Look At The Caps On That 'Un

Mojo Grey Tigers - Coolest
Well, today saw us wandering around the village with The Tickled Pink One, which you can read about elsewhere. Or look at the fotos at least.

Of more interest were some cool fotos Mr Marcy Mojo sent thru of the pickups and wiring looms for The Pearly Dewdrop One - which yes, I will have to make now - and The Chi Chi One.

And stunning that P90 looks for the 'Drop, and absolutely gorgeously Chi Chi indeed are the PAF and P90 too.
But the thing that caught my eye was the new Mojo Grey Tiger caps, which are glorious.

Now I'm no great expert on such things, but I believe the Grey Tigers were one of the original Gibson specced capacitors and a bit of a holy grail for many.

Like the Bumble Bees but cooler. So that fact that Marc is making these uber authentic ones is well cool. Can't wait to hear them in action.

He also did Shugz - the man for the vintage loom - some "Shugz" branded caps recently and from what I know of the chap, he is picky picky picky, so his recommendation would convince me anyway.

But there we are - top fella is Marc Ransley, clever too.

La la laa

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