Wednesday 26 October 2011

I Live for the Burn and the Sting of Pleasure

The Porn Shop One
Seen Later Yesterday
Well, I was going to talk about The Porn Shop One, but it has turned into a painfilled subject now, and I can't quite bring myself to broach it. Suffice to say that a drawing board may be returned to and I might need to see about a new body.

But there we are, what can you do about kids with hacksaw blades and too many home improvement programmes on Sky?

I blame the parents and of course it is the school holidays and I was too busy playing Paranoid.

On the sunny side of the street, I'm all rather chuffed with myself. The Les Paul Special I was talking about has yet to enter the palace of Jooky delightedness, but I've already managed to acquire a couple of rather dishy Catswhisker P90 Soapbars for it. I've also got some snotty Kluson tuners, a nice ABR/ToM bridge combo, which is all rather handy too.  Fotos to follow when I have something to fotograph.

As to my plans, well it will arrive in the usual cherry colour, but I have a yen to give it a fully agricultural finish. Things have been getting a bit bright and breezy recently and it is time to revert to my usual scenes of degradation and destruction. The Wasteland One then, should be just that. Actually, maybe I shouldn't mention destruction, it is a saw point at the mo.

As for The Floored Genius One yesterday, well, it never got too far as it happens as my little Orpheum SG took advantage of my every spare moment in rude and often downright dirty ways. The minxetta.

Today though, assuming the postie turns up before bedtime, I'm hoping to have the remaining parts for The Elmer One, so that could jump back to the top of the shop.

All of which leaves me - well, where?

I'm not really sure.

Busy in a non-specific way, I guess.


Dickinstein said...

Oh no , not the telemaster. What happened ??

Chris Gorman said...

What happened, Dickinstein, is a tale of woe - my conniving girlfriend decided that since I loved the Telemaster so much, she'd buy it out from under me for my birthday with the proviso that Jooky manufacture a tale of woe, disaster and despair to lull me into a deep fugue, thinking it had been destroyed, all the better to surprise me with the finished article for the big day. And the Jook obliged, with such a spectacular string of terrible mishaps that I began to think that I was bloody jinxed. When all I was cursed with was an awesome, but devious, girlfriend, and a cold-hearted guitar manufacturing co-conspirator. My hat is off to you, sir, and a million thanks for both your great work (she's a beauty) and also for your sneakiness, which will make a fantastic story to go with it.

The Jooky Guitar Emporium said...

Ah, err, that about sums it up *gulp*