Thursday 1 January 2009

Introducing Jooky Amps

In a normal on-line guitar shop, you would see a list of products with each being available to buy.
The shop might not actually have them, but once they have your money they will no doubt go and get one for you from their supplier and then use your money to pay for it.

Nice bit of business for them, if a little frustrating for you.

Here, we do things a little differently and therefore have no stock problems.
Mainly because we don't have stock.

We have one of each of our amps available, and that is it. What I mean to say is that all of our Amps are one-offs, and when they are sold that is that. Oh don't get me wrong, we might produce more than one amp using the same or similar boxes and tins and the electronics might be along the same lines, but you won't see us saying that there are twenty of anything available and we'll knock a few more up if we run out.

The reason for this one-offmanship is that we bore easily and aren't particularly seeing this as a money making exercise. More a way to keep out of trouble.

To put it another way, we see boutiques as mass production compared to what we're talking about, go figure.

All of our amps have a few things in common. They are all hand wired, they all run from a 9V battery, they all have an internal speaker and an output of about 1W. (Though believe me that is plenty for a practice amp.) On top of all this joy, some will be fitted with an Output Jack Socket, which means that it can either be used as an effect pedal for a nice bit of fuzz, or instead can run an external speaker cabinet (so if you have a 2X12 lay around gathering dust, you can plug it in and you'll get a nice surprise.)

At the moment, we have two 'flavours' of amp, the sweet and innocent, Tweedy clean sounds of our Cheryl-Tone (at least until you put her under pressure when all hell can break loose) and her distant mirror-in-the-loft dirty-little-secret of a sister, the nasty spitting fuzzy mess of an amp that is our Amy-Tone.

You'll love them both. But be careful, they can both bite.

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