Wednesday 5 October 2011

A Kick Up the '80s

Well, having been in a girly strop for the last couple of days, I figured I should get my bloodied finger out and do something useful.

This morning then I have been jumping around playing Europe and Bon Jovi, Def Leppard and Whitesnake high-density, hour long solos whilst dressed in Spandex, Lycra, Diamante and  leg warmers, modelling a poodly permed wig and shouting 'Greed is Good', and 'Pass the Bolly, old chap'.

Yes, it's the Tory party conference at the moment, but it wasn't because of The Maggie T Memorial Trust meeting today, or because Edwina Currie is looking like a TV dinner and dancing her way around the place.


It is because I finally finished The Bye Bye Buy One, complete with all it's period pointyness.

And mucho fun it is too.

Not that it is verily fizzy sounding anymore, as it has a Kent Armstrong Lippy pickup at the neck and an IronGear Hot Slag at the bridge, which are rather lovely sounding, but it is surprisingly nice to play,. (I have to admit it is the first time I've dared touch such a pointy thing as this old 80s Charvette, but there we are.)

As I said before, this has already been homed before I even finish it and is destined to accompany The Porn Shop One, which has been similarly spoken for, as a couple of tattered looking swells.

Assuming I ever manage to scrape the burnt innards out of the rustified Telemaster, that is. Or indeed do something about the neck which I managed to leave in the October sun and now is somewhat kinky. I might have to replace that if the cold poultice and piles of encyclopedias approach doesn't pay off.

In fact, being honest, I'm rather down about my Porny friend at the moment, all told. It started so well and then disaster after disaster, but there we are. A period of reflection should sort it out.

But then I thought that when Blair got in...

Hmmm. I was happy when I started and now I've depressed meself.

Maybe I'll go play Crazy Nights again...

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