Wednesday 19 October 2011

Discovering The House of Orpheus

Well, it has suddenly struck me that it is nearly school holibob time again, which normally I think will herald a slow-down in the Jooky Kingdom, but usually means things happen sooner as i try to escape my parental responsibilities. I'm not proud of that.

Anyway, I've arranged the pickups for The Elmer One, am planning on getting to grips with The Old Burny One this week, and am still contemplating my pain threshold as far as The Porn Shop One goes. I have a new Tele neck, so I should do something with that at least. I scraped the charred wiring out of the body and managed to use a pair of Mole grips and a clamp to get the broken bits out, so things are looking up, sort of.

After that, it is my favourite past-time 'part waiting' really, and there we are.

In between all of this excitement, I have snaffled an old '70s Japanese SG made by Orpheum, which I'm looking forward to playing with, but more on that when it arrives, methinks. Though it is a nice solid mahogany body and neck, so I'm really quite chuffed.

It's odd, but I have always loved SGs, but they never stick around for long, so I thought it would be nice to get an old one that could just sit in the corner for basic grab-when-I'm-passing duties, and just as I was thinking such a thought, I noticed this pop-up in the Music Radar Classifieds, and there we are.

Will I jookify it?

Maybe not, as then I can't keep it, unless I get rid of The Golden Shower One, which I'm loathe to do, so I might just tinker instead.

Saying that it has an interesting old pickup in it, an Ibanez Super 70 of apparent early Eddie Van Halen fame, which might get swapped into a Jooky guitar, but we'll see.

(Fotos from the chap who put it my way...ta :)


Anonymous said...

I saw that SG on MusicRadar. Seems like a real beaut.

It's payday at midnight for me which means more pedal GAS.

The Jooky Guitar Emporium said...

Yep, pedal day - best day of the week :)

Man, I remember those days..vaguely ;)

Chris Gorman said...

That SG is sweet, Jook! Love the weird wee contour round the body. That'd be a candidate for a two-tone Jooky metallic finish: I've no idea what I mean specifically, but a darkish metal round the outside, with a lighter metal highlighting the higher bit of the body might look cool. Or something mental like copper green and rust red. For the 3d fans....

October holidays = Rocktober holidays - pack them off to a youth group or something equally responsible. Or, as seems to be the fashion locally, take your kids and leave them in the local library all day, then pick them up as it closes. That way, you can get some work done, and tell yourself that they're learning, too. The library staff love it, too - they get all the fun of babysitting with none of the pesky payment.

The Jooky Guitar Emporium said...

Heh Chris - now that sounds like a wonderfilled two-part plan, it has to be said. Trouble is, if I jookify it, it has to go...and I've come to the conclusion that I need a guitar to call my own, if that makes sense. Plus my first guitar was a rather shonky Epi SG with a bolt-on neck, that I still pine for (despite not being very good) and this would probably be better and, and, and...

We'll see ;)