Saturday 26 October 2013

If Aikea made Guitars...

Well, I was having a look at the rather lovely, sixty-year-old pine body I have for what will be The Mielnik One, and generally deciding what I'm going to do with it.

Initially I thought I would just go for an old school Tele, and for once I'm sticking to the plan, although I think it will have a Strat neck - I have a lovely Allparts one I've been saving for a spesh occaze - and when I get around to it, a pair of Gimps.

As for the finish, I don't want to cover up the woody pine-ness so it is destined for oil and wax I think and a simple bakelite 'plate. It will also feature some big bloomin' copper nails, but there is no point having a fetish if you aren't willing to share it with the group.

There may be another twist or two along the way, but it only adds to the groove thang, dontachaknow.

La la laaa

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