Thursday 20 December 2012

I Do Like 2B

Yellow Stained The Seaside One
Next for the Man With The Golden Leafa
and Fag Tar yellow hands
Well, woke up this morning I was feeling fine, but there's something special on my mind...but no, The Frou Frou Fox One is still drying, so I won't be getting any further with that baby today, though it looks rather nice has to be said.

Well, if you spent part of your formative years sucking on postage stamps, I guess..

Instead then, I've got some sanding and staining to do with The Seaside One in preparation for a good old fashioned gilding. Hopefully the neck will also arrive today for that one and some of the other parts too.

Thinking about it. I'm not actually expecting to finish anything new this week after all, as I ladled on the acrylic on The Frou x 2, but be nice to be set-up for the new year, ready to go.

Jezz sending the fotos of the Mando-bodied The Shonky One the other day set me thinking about how I should finish it and the think I'm thinking is that it would look rather swish with a golden top too, especially as I have snaffled a nice old nickel Gretsch tailpiece and Marc at Mojo Pickups can make me some Harmony inspired pickups to match. All for the new year of course, but nice to dream about..

Other than that, I now seem to be the owner of a U.S Strat for the first time in my life. It is white (as all good Strats are), and after hitting a member of the crowd, and breaking it in the process, a previous owner had a replacement Allparts neck put on which feels rather lovely. Not that you'd know it, whoever did it did it good.

What else, well it's got those funny locking tuners with knobs on the back, which I guess is a good thing, has had Callaham saddles added, has pickups wound by Ash at Oil City Pickups which I'm looking forward to trying as I've never tried his 'wares before, and an odd little switch on the jack plate which apparently gives a passive boost.

So all in all I think you could say it is a players guitar rather than a trophy.

I don't really like Strats much, soundwise, which is why they normally end-up with either a single 'bucker or P90 instead, but I'm going to give it a go and see how it sounds/whether I get used to it. Funny place for a pickup, right where I'm strumming though, most odd.

Anyway, I'm off to stain The Seaside One's body yellow before I ladle some gold onto it.

La la laaaa


Paz said...

Do you reckon you'll have time to finish the "Mayan one" yet?? There's only a couple of hours left!!!!

The Jooky Guitar Emporium said...

Ach, I wrote it down as The Manyana One - I thought I had ages to do it yet...