From the top, there is:
1. A nice red tortoise-shell scratchplate. This just looks right to me - though I must admit the brown one looks cool too, but the deed is done now.
2. A pair of proper aged '70s knobs. I am soo very authentic. All nicotine and spilt Banks'. (OK, I know nicotine is a clear and odourless liquid and that the yellow is tar, but you know what I mean.)
3. Some creamy not at all authentically aged pickup covers, but that look a lot better than the white ones. Though I guess a switch tip, and the funny end on the trem arm won't match now, but what the 'eck. Maybe I'll start smoking again or something.
4. Some Cool as Funk pickups from that winder-meister Marc over at Mojo Pickups. Can't wait to hear them in action.
5. A selection of Jazzmasterly-groovesome capacitors that reek of Mojo like Tom Waits' hankie.
(Now with all the correct numbers attached. Thanks to Marc again for dealing with my numptitude and pointing me in the right direction without laughing too much.)
6. Some cloth-clad wire and CTS pots and Switchcraft switches and stuff that I forgot to get out for the foto call.
And there we are.
Expect a load of swearing and WIP fotos, and fone calls and general idiocy and back tracking and yet more numptiness before I flourish finalised fotos sometime next week.
I should also mention that the switch for The Dust My Broom One, the retaining string bar thing and yet another nut for The Iceblink One also arrived, but who cares about them?
Obviously, I'm still waiting for UPS to take The Old Burny and Gypsy Ones to their new homes, kinda goes without saying.
La laa laaaaaaa
What are Marc's prices like? Just out of interest, of course, you know...
I put full-size CTS pots in that thing wot I just gave birth to, and they're fine. Then I bought a load of Alpha mini-pots for a couple of pedals I was making and they feel about a million times nicer to use. All future guitars are getting Alpha mini-pots. A think to maybe think if you haven't.
Hiya Ed
His prices are very good - he has an Ebay shop here:
£85 for a pair of Jazzmaster pups, wound to order, compares a bit well to Novaks at $250. Plus he did them within a few days (despite my best attempts to confuse.) The caps were £7 iirc.
I'll do some before and after sound clips once they are in...
Interesting about the Alpha pots. I must admit for home use/recording I think they make a lot of sense, but if you are gigging the CTS work better. As long as they are decent quality though, you get used to either to be honest...
I'm going to give his Tele ones a go next time around anyway, and probably then the rest too *whistling*
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