Well, apart from the scratchplate which seems to have disappeared somehow, so I'll have another search for that. It has come on a wee bit more since the fotos- the headstock and tuners are now as they should be and bits like strap pins, which I normally forget until the last minute are in place, as are the pickups, with real screws and everything. In fact I should probably have taken another foto, but didn't, so there we are.. Tomorrow
is officially National Solder Day (in Jookyland anyway) so we should all be wired up and getting close to the finishing line. Which is handy, especially if I get the Blue Moon One done as well, of course.
Obviously, my football predictions were like the rest of my life and half-right or half-wrong, depending on your perspective on such things, so it is a sad farewell to Blackpool, and a rather amused 'terrah a bit' to the blue noses, though their usual delusions of grandeur will undoubtedly be seeing it as a step toward a regular European place and another trophy. Bit of a double for the porn twins and the delightful Mrs. Pesky though, bless their claret and blue cotton socks. Takes a special kind of owner to get two clubs relegated in the same season (OK, not technically true, but ownership has a 'long tail' and it takes a while to unpick, as it were.)
Anyway, I was happy Wigan survived, and in a way chuffed the Wulfes did too, as they might be our secret eight-fingered-cousins that we prefer locked and hidden in a tower somewhere, but even so, it doesn't seem right without a derby day, does it?
Monday, Monday, la la la la la laaaaaa
Crowley is lookin mighty fine there :-)
Glad you like it... I can't wait to get the pups in and crank her up :)
The top has a kind of cracleur effect (excuse dodgy spelling) and then has had a touch of nitro over the top, so it should age beautifully. I'll try and get some better fotos once it is done as the verigation of the finish is more pronounced in 3D - really quite striking..
Cool as :)
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