This was snapped-up in no time at all by muso genius James Sant, and has been used on a few of his recordings.
It's odd, but this guitar is *the one*, as far as I've been concerned, of all our guitars that really worked in every way. It was the right shape, had P90s which sounded awesome, and the finish was incredible. I still find myself pining for it and I've almost not been able to make another quite like it in a sort of I'm-not-worthy fear that I won't be able to replicate it's feel and tone.
Anyway, life has moved on and unfortunately James finds himself in a position where he needs to sell the guitar - and you can't believe quite how gutted I am that I'm not in a position to buy it - and so I thought I'd mention it here as I know at the time quite a few other people were upset that they'd missed the boat, as it were.
He is inviting serious offers for it, and as the only other Jooky guitar that I know of being sold-on went for three times what the chap paid me for it, I'd bear that in mind.
If you are interested, you can contact James via his web site HERE or contact me via this one and I'll forward you on to him.
You can hear The Psychedelic Surf One on This Track Here, and watch out for the solo it is worth it.
Top fella to deal with too, James, in case you are wondering
do you know how much he's charging for it? I'm beginning to become more solvent - however the wife wants a Karaoke machine!!!!!!!! and a holiday (slightly more reasonable)
I don't I'm afraid - think he is open to offers...
Karaoke machine? Doesn't she realise she already has one?
well she enjoys singing but knows that she is absolutely useless (she really is - and I normally like singing out of tune and time - Syd Barret being my all time favourite)so she has come up with the idea of getting a karaoke machine - my loss is the world's gain;)
Ah, get her on X Factor...share your pain :)
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