Actually, I just broke off to put some strings on and give the wench a bit of a rough set-up, and I am mighty impressed with the pickups. Not sure if I mentioned them before, but the originals were a little bit harsh to my ears, and I happened across some guy selling some mini-humbuckers locally and grabbed them.
(Never fitted pickups to a semi before, and can't see me doing it again either. All those rumours about it being a bitch of a job are bang-on-the-money.).
But the replacement pickups, and I must admit I was a bit reluctant, as the fella said they were either handwound by Catswhisker or Wizard, or perhaps even one of each as he had bought sets from both and couldn't tell them apart. Whatever they are (and man I love the randomness of it) they are pure gold and I am seriously chuffed with them. They would let you play both kinds of music (country & western) but also do a goodly 335 impression if you squint a wee bit. Actually, BB King territory isn't a million miles away thru a nice wee amp of the valve persuasion and we do love the King in Jookyville.
As for the finish, well, that is lovely too, I think you'll agree - at least the chaps among you will - and what can I say...?
Other than that, I went to the other side briefly the other day and got meself a bass guitar. Now, I've never had one before, and doing a bit of recording recently it seemed a good idea.
All good fun. In some ways, and I know it isn't really, but it is almost like playing a musical instrument...
Right off to play with Daisy and maybe have another go at 'Money'...
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