Tuesday 9 April 2013

Going to be amazing

Well, you'll just have to trust me on this as I can't find the camera - cameras in fact, four of them - but The Old No.7 One is getting closer and is going to be amazing.

The neck is on, and if I hadn't somehow split the nut (that's about 3 in the last couple of weeks, must have been some donkeys with brittle bones out there) there could even be some strings to strum. New nuts should arrive tomorrow though, so - well, cool. I'm vaguely happy.

That in fact took my day, although The Siren Song One took a bit of a bashing as well, here and  over there somewhere, and I'm thinking that maybe that should be the one I keep for myself.

Though I don't know.


Anyway, that was all, as you were.

La la laaaa

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