Thursday 13 January 2011

Gutted Like A Fishy Thing

Well, in my quest to find myself a guitar with a big enough, club of a neck that I can play for more than ten minutes at a time, I finally succumbed and got meself a Les Paul Studio with a proper '50s neck.

This was before Christmas, but it finally showed-up the other day to mucho excitement. Anyway, I slit the tape on the packaging and opened it, and I have to say it was a beauty. A Fireburst (I think they are called), and it was gorgeous. I probably wouldn't have even covered it with felt or lizard skin or anything.

Looking up at the headstock though, I got a bit of a nasty was pretty much hanging off, held on only by the lovely bell shaped truss rod cover and the strings.


It's insured and everything, but, well, you know. Gutted.

Luckily, I had also obtained an Ibanez Artcore Semi-Acoustic thing, which is equally pretty and arrived delivered by hand in a Hiscox case in perfect nick.

That has a pretty good chunk of a neck on it too, so I can play a bit at least, but....what can I say?

Parcel Force, I don't love you anymore.

1 comment:

Fat Old Man said...

That is a very damaged neck! Curse that Parcel Force :(