Saturday 8 May 2010

Well Hung

Hanging. The Tories aren't quite in yet, but I thought I'd get with the Zeitgeist early.

Anyway, just a quicky update as I've been playing with The Beano One and even remembered to take a couple of fotos. I know, stunning stuff.

Well, I finally finished the design - and believe it or not, getting it as I wanted it wasn't just a case of chucking bits of comic and seeing where they landed.

No, really.
It wasn't.

But it looks how I hoped now, the various holes have been recut and generally it is pukka like a pie.

What next, I hear nobody cry?
Well, I'm glad you didn't ask.

What next is that I hang the guitar in the garage and spray it many many times over the course of the weekend with a lacquer of some sort, in between a few light sands and a bit of a tacking on the sly. I don't do too much smoothing as that is kind of a mile away from what these Jookified guitars are meant to be like, but you need a bit. Honest you does.

Well, more to do, but as you can see it looks good, and I even remembered to mask off the fingerboard. Clever stuff.

Other than that, one of my Facebook friends suggested Bare Knuckle Peter Green-type of pickups, which could be nice, and might happen. But then again, might not. I don't know.

Not visited us on Facebook yet? Well, only three people have so that is a fair bet to be honest. We're Here, by the way.

Do say hello if you are there though, we have the lowest number of friends of any guitar related thingie.
I'm a wee bit proud of that, actually.

Laters dearies.

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