Sunday 16 May 2010

Oh Dear..

Well, I'm sorry to say that I seem to have upset the sensibilities of some of the members of the Telecaster club with my Pretty In Pimp One, and apparently

"They have to figure out a way to stop these retards getting hold of guitars."

 "This guy has a blog as well. He is clearly has a screw loose. It seems there are lots of nut jobs in the guitar world."

"We should all pitch in and buy it just so we can burn it."

and my personal fave:

"Guys with bad taste making guitars for guys with bad taste. I guess even guys with bad
taste need guitars. Most cynical guitar and cynical guitar site ever. But if a buzzard
had an upset stomach all over a guitar, I suppose someone would buy it."

Which is shame, if rather funny. There are a couple of people who get the whole idea, but there we are.

All of which means it is probably a good job that The Glistery One is based on a knackered old Strat clone - unless the loyalty goes as far as all Fenders, I don't know.

Anyway, I've refinished the top after my milky lacquer cock-up, and I think it looks better now...

Better stay away from the acolytes of the Strats forums for a while, mind you.

I do like the idea of a guitar burning though, but perhaps I should check to see whether the Velvet cloth covering The Pretty In Pimp One has a Kite Mark first.

I'd hate it all to get toxic.

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