Wednesday 28 May 2014

Thingamabobs and Bobbins

Well, not a lot to report as it is the school holibobs again (so soon, so verily soon), but the old gears are turning as per, in between iCarly and Spongebob re-runs.

For the record, both The Alcaeus and Rilkean Ones are nigh on done. Just a fiddle and a spit and they will be taking a bow next week some time.

The Travellin' Man  One is again ready to brave American Customs, and The Bacchylides One shouldn't be too far behind either.

But the thing I'm most excitable about  is something new and well, exciting.

I think  so anyway.

And other than the odd bit of nitro, this is quite cool as it is a proper collaboration and that makes a wee change if nowt else.

So what will be the end-result?

No, I don't know, just wondering if you have a clue?

La la laaa

1 comment:

Anonymous said... it it ...?? Henry the mild mannered janitor ?? or maybe something with a Ricky slash ? ;)