Tuesday 18 June 2013

Hmm, Ballsed That Up Then..

Too Patchy By 'Alf
Well, the old liming of The Boogaloo One didn't exactly work as planned and as I'm off again for a few days it'll have to wait until it is sanded and I start-all-over-again.

Tis one of those things, you don't know until you try and as long as you are happy to rip it up and start again, all is OJ in the morning. It isn't how many you make, it is how many you throw away that counts. Probably.

In other news Rich tells me that the finish he is doing for The Sappho One is coming along a treat - can't wait to see it for myself. I'm a little bit nervous about it - not because of Rich, I should add - but because it will be the first time I haven't done the finish on a Jooky, so it is a little odd feeling deep and down inside. Still, it is for me to keep for once, so I guess it doesn't matter and I can't wait to see how it turns out. A collaboration then sweetie - I'll have a salon before you know it.

Anyway, miles to be eaten, sick brats to tend.

Mustn't confuse the two.

La la laaaa

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