Friday 20 November 2009

Cheryl-Tone: Tweedy Amps

When we decided to build some Jooky little amps, we were very keen to make them a wee bit special. All of them would be hand-made, we knew that, and all of them would be unique in some way (and we’re not just talking about the serial number.)

They would all run from a 9V battery, come in stoopendously imaginative and interesting boxes or tins, and generally would be pretty swish and special and excellent. Some would have mood lighting, others would have mad effects or crazy paint jobs. Whatever, they were all going to be good and we couldn’t wait to make them.

Of course, there was also the slight issue of what they would sound like, and so we put our thinking caps on.

First things first, they would be quiet. Not very quiet, but use-at-home quiet. They would be practice amps, with the added bonus of being able to drive a speaker cabinet if you wanted to. But generally around the ½ to 1 watt vicinity.

Next, they had to have some kind of clean tone to them. We always loved Smokies, but it has always been tricky to clean the sound up, and to be honest, we think that it’s good to have options. We like the idea of something that you can get clean tones out of, but that will break-up when things get a bit hotter. And do you know what? I think we got where we wanted to be, and are totally proud of our first, little amp.

But how to describe it? 

Well, suffice to say that our Cheryl-Tone circuit goes (and goes) from a tweedy sound to something more glam, at a twizzle of a knob.

But then things can start to go wrong. A bit of pressure or attack and everything gets as dark as coal and she turns into a hissing and spitting fishwife harridan of a nightmare.

So whether twang is your thang or you prefer something wrong in a thong, we call it Cheryl-Tone and hope you will want to make the lasses’ acquaintance.

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