Sunday 1 November 2009

Early days, yet.

Well, what can I say apart from welcome to The Jooky Guitar Emporium, although there isn't a lot to see as yet and as that is the case I can only talk about what-may-come-to-be, rather than what-is-here-now.

You see, I wanted this little blog to act as a way of tracking the building-from-scratch of what I hope will be a fun place to be, if you are into your guitars and more to the point if you like things that are a little unique and one-offish.

That is the plan for the Emporium you see. I want it to be a place where you can come and find some interesting guitar related things, whether that turns out to be Cigar Box Guitars,  hand wired amplifiers made out of cigarette tins or fuzz boxes that nobody else has got, it will all be special.

And handmade and
as rare as ruby hen's teeth.

Not that I'm looking for Boutique prices, or trying to stiff anybody.
I like the idea of making something and then if somebody wants it,
selling it to them for a fair price.

No stock or product lists, just as simple as that.

So sometimes you might come along and there be nothing to buy.

Other times there might be something you just can't do without.

But we'll see, time will tell.

Pop in again and see what the score is..

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