Saturday 14 November 2009

Being Arty & Up Me Bum

I had an email today, from somebody asking about our amp. Pretty good going, I thought, considering we haven't actually made one yet, just a dozen-or-so out-of-the-box prototypes. It was nice to get though, and our mailing list now stands at 1.

Nice to meet you Brian.

One thing Brian did do though, was make me think about the little amps, and that perhaps I could be less enigmatic about the idea, despite my natural instinct not being to talk about them in detail until there is an actual product that somebody could buy.

In other lives I've whipped up a bit of hype before and it is fine if things go smoothly, and a pain of regal proportions if not. I'm not looking for a job here though, and certainly don't need any hassle, so there you go. Lets keep expectations snake belly low.

What I can explain though is that we are going to be making small and teeny amps, rather than 100Watt stacks, things you can use around the house or keep in a gigbag.

We want eveything (pretty much) to be unique in some way.

All of the amps (guitars, effects) will be limited editions of one, signed, visually interesting and have a story attached, a reason for it's being. In terms of the sounds or electronics, as I say we've been putting together a standard amp that we are happy with, and we will use this as a basis.

What I mean is that it will be tweaked or added to if the story fits, and that really is the key. When I say all of them will have a story attached, it is this story that will define the characteristics of the amp. So if we look at a cigar box that we think will house an amp, and it looks like a South American Dictator, that amp might become 'The Despotic One' and have some sort of styling or features that fit that idea.

Probably sounds entirely up-me-bum and arty, but there we go. It will probably make sense when you see it rather than read about it.

It is meant to be fun and make things interesting,
la la & la.


Anonymous said...

When will your amps be ready? I'm thinking of Christmas presents


The Jooky Guitar Emporium said...

Hi Brian

We're hoping to have a couple sorted out before xmas, but to be honest it is really the New Year that we're aiming at.

Generally I can't ever see us making more than one a week at best, and that is a way off right now, so like I say, if people are interested in all of this, it will be a case of grabbing them when you can..

Blimey, sounded like a salesfella there for a minute. Sorry about that.
