Friday 13 November 2009

The Acquisition of Stuff

At the point when we started to do the whole Jooky Emporium thing, one of the ways that I sold it was that it would be fun, yet amazingly cheap.

Very little up front investment, followed by slightly more return if things happen nicely.

Not that the making of money is a factor ( when you eventually see our prices, you'll understand that comment) but equally, I didn't really want to be laying out loads of dosh, then getting bored and wondering what I do with a garage full of components.

Not that I've done such things before, you'll understand.

Anyway, once we started on the amp project, it became apparent that the parts weren't exactly going to cost the earth. A few quid, tops, although the time spent making things work and everything else would be a different kettle if we let ourselves free to tally

But we don't,
so there we go.

So given the low cost angle, it seemed a good idea to try lots of alternatives. I mean, our amp (really must tell you the name) is pretty cool, but transistors and op-amps are cheap, so why not try some alternatives in the interests of possible progress, perhaps.

And so to the point of this.

Despite the keep-it-lean-be-mean motto tattied on my forehead, I have noticed that the number of 'bits' are growing rapidly.

I have every kind of resistor, capacitor, chip and socket going. I've even bought a fistful of old, vintage trannies made out of geraniums or some other fleur-de-loon that caught my eye despite not actually knowing what they are other than that some blogger I've never heard of thought they may have sounded more authentic than the ones I can buy anywhere for pennies.

A blogger writing in 2001,
page 712 on Google and no doubt having
changed his mind
thirty times since then.

So I've decided that because of the fact that I am ecstatic with our amp design, and the fact that it sounds awesome and runs a 4x12 and everything else, maybe I should leave well alone and think about putting it in some sort of box, wiring it up to useful things like Jack sockets and generally finishing something for once in my life without getting side-tracked by the Rapid web site.

Maybe I'll clear the garage too, the space might come in useful

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