Friday 17 December 2010

An Ode To A Daisy

I mentioned The Daisy Jook One the other day, but as usual didn't really explain what it is all about, and to be honest it is probably a grain of a microcosm in a world beneath the dust under somebody's finger tips, as far as Jookidom goes.

A long, long time ago I wrote a book, that despite not looking much like it, was all about chaos theory and such things. I even chopped it up into bits once it was finished, wrote a random number generator based on a dodgy fractal-generating algorithm, and ordered the book - more or less - based on it (I cheated and left the start and end where they were, but really didn't need to, in truth.)

Why do I mention this? Well, in a way my whole approach to Jookiness is like that. I've tried to definitely never or maybe impose any kind of structure on what it is I make. There are obvious influences, heavy ones at that, but generally I whistle along hammering a random tune. Not a dice man as such, as even that is quite a structured approach the old fella was imposing on himself, more Que Cera, as it were.

But The Daisy Jook One, well, for a while I've fancied having a play with a semi-acoustic of some sort. Even thought of hollowing something solid out, but beholden and generally low,  spotted one on ebay a while back and jumped in and grabbed it. Also of course, even more longer back I very nearly swapped The Beano One with a nice chap called Sean for his handmade Tele, which if I'd not needed the dosh to buy parts at the time, I really should have as it was and no doubt still is, a beautiful guitar. Anyway, like a lot of people Sean had a sort of 1950s glamour girl look to it - or is it earlier? I don't know, in truth - as I'm sure they are the technicolor images of lasses U.S pilots had on their planes in WW2. I don't know, and I should probably check, but haven't and won't, as truly what would be the point.
But as I was saying, Sean's guitar has stuck with me, and I've thought for a while that I should find such an image - on fabric - to use on a guitar. And that too I did in fact find, and so one day when I was  strumming the Semi, and my wee lass pulled the cloth out of a cupboard or from under a floorboard or wherever I'd left it, I thought 'there we go' synchronicity without the annoying geordie up-front and central.

And so, in a roundabout way, that is it, I'm going country and western and in tribute to the Dukes of Hazard, the semi - a Daisy Rock, no less - will be Jookified with images of country and western-esque babes. I even got some of those lovely red dice knobs for the knobby bits.

As for pickups, well it came with mini-humbuckers, which I'm struggling to replace, but I think I will. I quite fancy some SG ones or something from a Firebird, but we'll see. Tuners are Grovers anyway and work perfectly, so no problems leaving those on. It doesn't have a scratchplate though, and I do have some copper lay around the place, but we'll see. Maybe I'll see what turns up, and go with that.

So it is a Jookified Daisy Rock, which isn't just for girls. Well, it will be once I have done the J-Bird justice and can plough this deeply southern field with a clear conscience, anyway. A yee and a haaa.

1 comment:

Fat Old Man said...

A Daisy Rock - now there's an idea. If I could get my wife interested in playing guitar...

I'm looking forward to how you are going to macho up the guitar