Saturday 18 December 2010

I Love Kiwiland

Well, another frustrating day in Jookyland has seen bugger all of any consequence get done. Sick kids (plural now) was the problem, and it meant that woodwork - I needed to finish tidying up the J-Bird One headstock and body routing so I can get cracking on the finish - was a definite no-no-a-go-go,

and soldering - again, I wanted to do a 'harness' for the J-Bird to at least have that ready to drop in - went out of the window too.

Instead, I became a brat-sofa and professional mopper-upper for the day.

Which is never appealing. I have to say it has been one thing after another recently, and yes, I'm whinging like a wench, I know, but it is sooooo frustrating.

It is worse in truth because normally it wouldn't really matter - but I have a horrible sense of responsibility about the Customs, and I really wanted Andy's to go a bit smoother than Geoff's, which itself turned into a 'mare in far too many ways to think about.

Blah blah.

But there we are. Andy is being cool - cooler than I would - but I guess I need to be less optimistic when I estimate times for these, if I ever do any more.

I'm a Muppet.

*Deep breath *

Still, I smell of puke, that must count for something,
to someone,

Maybe I'll get aftershave for Xmas.

I hate delays.
I'm a do-er baby, this isn't meant to be the way of things


So I need to think of something else, something I can vaguely control in a funny way.

I don't actually look at the web stats for this site/blog thing very often, as to be honest, I always expect it to be depressing or boring, which it would be I guess. However today, as I am sooo bored already, I did and I can't help but notice that for some strange reason quite a few people read it. And they come from all over the world to do it. Virtually, obviously.

And even odderly, most of them seem to come back again and again.

(Not all, there was quite a spike when I called a guitar The Fat Pussy One, mainly via Google image searches, from people in India and parts of Africa, for some reason.) But generally, I mean, there are hundreds of visitors. OK, it isn't Ebay or Youtube or anything, but for what it is, I'm quite surprised.

So hello, to all the folks in London, and Manchester, Birmingham and Liverpool. That chap who pops in from Preston on a Friday at about 11.45pm every week (or lady, but I guess most people who read this are blokes, I don't know why I think that, but I am no doubt right?). In fact most everywhere in the UK has had a representative or lots popping in here at one time or another. Either that or there is one reader who gets about a fair bit.

And of course, I shouldn't forget the people outside of the UK, in most of the U.S States they've scooted in - mainly when I talk about Cigar Box Guitars, it has to be said, or slag off anything American. Plenty of visitors from the east - Russia, Alaska, China, Iran, Iraq, actually, most places and directions when I look at the list. (I know Alaska isn't in the east. Well I think I do...)

In fact every country I can think of, a load of places that never used to exist when I was the proud owner  of a globe, most of the places we've bombed over the last few decades and some who we are yet to have a decent go at. Everywhere in fact, has seen at least one person, one member of their general populous clock up a visit

Apart from,
that still is,

New Zealand.

I checked just now, and nobody from New Zealand has ever, ever looked at this site.

I mean, do they even have the Internet?

Am I missing something?

OK, I don't actually think I'm particularly interesting, but how many people live in New Zealand?

One of them must be into guitars?

Even if they only like boring Fender ones, surely somebody would be browsing aimlessly, a bit pissed and accidentally mistype Kooky? Of Jolky, or something?

But no, not one.

I mean, it shouldn't matter - and it doesn't matter really - but for some weird reason, it is bugging me. And I know it is daft and pathetic, but it has really got under my skin.

I don't know what to do about it?

Maybe I should write a post about filming the Hobbit in Oz instead or something, that would have them coming out of the woodwork, wouldn't it?

Or maybe I should say that the All Blacks are only good when they nick all the Samoans to play for them?

That would do it, wouldn't it?

Oh, a bit of self-interest, that would grab the attention of the kiwis.

With a small kicking-ker.

So if you happen to know anybody in that part of Australia (tee hee), give them a nudge and make my life complete.

And I really mean this - I love you Kiwis, I wouldn't use anything else on my boots.

Apart from Cherry Blossom, of course,
you get a much better shine with your Cherry Blossom.

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