Wednesday 19 September 2012

WIP: Well, Allsorts, Really

Well, I thought it was about time I actually did something around here, so it has been a bit of a blur of super speedy quick motion today.

First up, I chopped some wood out of The Confused One so that I can use a normal Tele control plate.

I felt well grown-up, I can tell you.

I really must buy some wood filler.

From there I sanded all three bodies (The Tickled Pink, Confused and TV Dinner Ones I'm talking about, I forgot to mention that part) until they were silky and smooth.

The bashed, chipped and grazed part come laters.

Then the back and sides of The Confused and Tickled Pink Ones got stained with a Dark and Deep Mahogany, well, stain, I guess, while The TV Dinner One got top and sides done with Indian Rosewood.

No fotos as they are in the dark dungeon that is my garage drying until tomorrow.

From there I am going to wax oil everything that has been stained, with sanding in amongst it all too. Unless I need to put more stain on, forgot that bit.

From there, the back of The TV Dinner One will be stained, whilst the The Tickled Pink one is destined for pinkness and The Confused One is going more metallic and acid-fried in their top regions.

So their paths diverge, as it were.

I also managed to confuse meself somewhat about pickups and wiring, but I got there with a leetle help from my friends.

One good thing, the record that will be the pickguard for The Tickled Pink One arrived - All You Need Is Love, think I mentioned it would be - as did a couple more Tele necks which need an oil and a polish and a touch of the old file along the edges, but are otherwise verily nice.

Yes, if this feels a bit manic, it is because I am today for some reason.

La la laaaa

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